Foods to improve the trátransition intestinal
Have a varied diet and healthy makes our body to function correctly, so that we can translate it as a wonderful feeling of well-being on a physical level and emotional.
In the video we present below you can see the latest ad for Activia, which has been starred by the singer Shakira:
The more you think about it in the announcement itself, we can ask ourselves what is the message of nutritional that it tries to evoke. One of them, for example, is that to be able to enjoy a bowel movement active and to put aside the feeling of heaviness, it is essential to maintain a varied diet where there is a consumption of foods that contain fiber, among other vitamins and minerals.
In this case, we invite you to consume dairy desserts of Activia by the Bifidus Actiregularis in addition to fiber, which contains other varieties of the same product. In our case, we can think of more foods that can benefit the body, such as the consumption of vegetables, cereals, legumes, nuts, fruits, etc
Did you know that the fiber produces a feeling of satiety (perfect for people on a diet), improves the hydration and burn the excess fat in addition to improve the intestinal transit?
For our body to function properly, it is important to eat everything but without excess in any of the cases. Everything is healthy in the right measure, and when we speak of problems of intestinal transit, we can add the typical herbal remedies such as the consumption of flax seed in the morning, a glass of warm water on an empty stomach, eat kiwis or plums, etc
Through a healthy diet and a little exercise, we can find the great remedies that we need to enjoy a healthy life, an active life. By echoing the advice of the World Health Organization (WHO), each person should consume a minimum of 25 grams of fiber each day.